Well, have I been busy? yes tremendously! I cleaned my bedroom on Wednesday. it took me 5 hours!! un-freakin-believable!! it was atrocious and I figured how am I supposed to get my girls to clean their rooms if I can't even keep my room clean! so now it is so clean and it's my favourite room in the house again for the moment LOL!! I took pics before and after and did a layout on it, but I haven't taken a pic of the layout yet. I printed the before pics in black and white...less shameful I think LOL.
I have been making cards more than anything lately, and making a couple of albums too. It was my aunt's seventieth birthday last week, so mum and I are sending her an album and a card I made. I told mum she could write in the card!! well, my Finnish isn't that great lol... I should put more effort into relearning the language I guess.
I wish I lived closer to my friend lynnie :( her hubby is away for work and well, she is a bit lonely through the week :( I know how she feels I just wish there was somefin I could do :( if you're reading this I'm thinking of you chicky!
I just added Scrapwitch's blog to my list...do check it out. it is sooo good her scrapping is gorgeous!!! Witchy - I will endeavour to send that layout to you this week sometime...I have a billion things to post out and yours is one of them! and lynnie too...luv you guys!
I went to get the girls their Nintendo DSs on Wednesday - little rats!! they were all over me like a rash at the shops when they realised what I was buying...ew!! lol.. j/k of course! but no, the convo went like this..I only asked one thing of them in return...
me : get off me!! (laugh) all I ask is that you do not fight with each other!!
jade: what about with you?
me : *rolleyes* well that's inevitable! we'll always fight!
ROFLMAO!! we all laughed. but they have been so good! and they know that they will get no warnings for having them confiscated...one little blowup and they will lose them for a day...but they are being good - and I am bummed because I wanna play with them too!! ROFL...
well I am really looking forward to going to NSW!!!! mum might be coming with me too because she is worried about me driving that long rive with just the girls. She will stay in Forster so I really don't know if I'll be carless for a couple of days or what... I think she said something about staying at Pam's for the first night or something too...I will have to ask Pam if that's ok first!! they neededn't worry though, my mum is really cool and not judgemental of anything or anyone :D and she isn't a stick in the mud or anything either...just wonder if it's ok with Pammy - I mean I feel bad enough as it is that I may be imposing on them...but I'm sure it'll be ok...Pammy is such a sweet soul, and I feel so happy to know her :)
anyways, I'm off to catch up on Scrapchat because I haven't been online for a few days !
Heids x