Saturday 7 July 2007


well, this morning SUX. woke up to tell Chris that I don't think we can afford a huge house adn that we might have to get like a two bedroom or something for a couple of years so we can save up a deposit and he kinda huffed about it and got upset with me that I was talking about it at 5am...that's what I do! so then he goes out side for a ciggie and I go "I'm in charge of this household because I have a clue and you don't and if you don't like it fuck off" so then it ended up in a screaming match about he hasn't even looked for a fucken job since coming home from the states, but yet he was like "as soon as I get back to Oz I'm getting a job fuck this blablabla" yea whatever.
then he calls me a bitch and I call him a C and he gets offended?? ahhhh right ...then I say that i have made some stupid decisions in my life but taking him back is definitely one of them. I juat want my life to run smooth like it did before he moved back in. I honestly don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the fact that we never have money left over for things or what. I know it pisses me off the amount he smokes. I mean it's almost a pack a day and that's just stupid waste of money and health. Well He has told the lady down the shop that he isn't to be allowed to buy smokes as of Wednesday. Going cold turkey he reckons. I scoff. It won't happen. it never has before. hell I can't give up because I like it, but a pack of 25s lasts me three days at least. it's gonna be a fucked day unless we just stay away from each other - he has his racing I have my scrapping...


ScrapManda said...

Sorry you're having a shocker of a day....hope it improves! Men...can't live with 'em - can't shoot 'em!!! LOL!

scrapwitch said...

babe i hop that your day got is a bitch honey...its the curse of all evil.
im thinking of you heidi..cant wait till you come down to see us ...

Nicole said...

Hey Chicky, me and Luke have these fights too, doesn't money suck. Although I have got Luke to quit smoking.

Take care


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