Sunday, 28 July 2013


Well, it has been a while hasn't it? So much for all the awesome updates I was going to do from Finland! It was such a fantastic trip, and all that worry about being just with my brother was unnecessary. We don't have a lot to do with each other, we don't live too far away but we are just very different people and well, that's life I guess. You can't have everything lol. But to be with him for four weeks in his country of birth (yes, sadly, I was born here in Australia ) was so great! It was almost like old times when we did get along, when were actually nearly friends. He really has a good sense of humour we laughed a few times together... one memorable moment of laughter was at a gypsy. The Finnish gypsy women wear these huge skirts that have to hang from their shoulders. They are very heavy too. I said to my brother to have a look if there weren't extra sets of feet under the dress... I thought she may have had her little children shuffling along beside her lol... then my brother tells me no, they have like little swings under the skirt, where she carries her kids lol. In any case, she certainly did not look comfortable, not a bit! an she was waddling, I guess because of the sheer weight of the dress. Poor things! We saw them everywhere too.

We visited Lapland and were in Levi for the opening day they hold each year to start the winter ski season. I was so hoping to see The Dudesons there, because they usually are there on the opening day, but I didn't see them :( boo. We met a lady from Melbourne that was there on a skiing holiday. Was pretty cool to talk to an Aussie in Finland hahaha. Our cousin and her husband live in Turenki but have also a holiday house in Kittilä, just out of Levi.

The snow was incredible!! I had never seen snow in my life before and I was so amazed by it. I was mesmerised I really truly was. To see it float down and then to be able to see one perfect enormous snowflake on the car window, big enough to take a good photo with my iPhone! I was like OMG!

Just so so much to tell about the trip, so I won't really go into the finer details. My grandma's funeral was a lovely service, I bawled typically. I get caught up in the emotion of it all and then I just lose control, I just cry and cry :( even though it was in Finnish, I understood about 90% of it all... it was a Jehovah's Witness service which actually was nice :) very loving. Then we went to a cottage to have the wake. Beautiful Finnish food. There was a sauna there on the lake too but I didn't want to go in. I did go to "savu sauna" though a week after. OMG it was such a different feeling to a 'normal' sauna.

Old Finnish tradition is smoke sauna;SAVUSAUNA, that has no chimney. Wood is burned on a particularly large stove and the smoke fills the room. When the sauna is hot enough, the fire is allowed to die and the smoke is ventilated out. The residual heat of the stove is enough for the duration of the sauna.Finns loves Sauna, they feel so good, it`s great for your skin, relaxes your muscles, you sweat out toxins

And if you lean on the walls you will be BLACK!!! and that black stains hahaha my back was black for at least a week after pmsl. We drank wine in the savu sauna it was gooood. The men drank beers... it was so cool to just put the beers outside into the snow, go into sauna, then come out and have a coldie :) Brilliant!

We stayed at my dad's cousin's place. The best people I have EVER met in my life! So pleased to be related to such great people. I had sauna every night and it was wonderful! The skin on my face was glowing!  I would give anything to live in Finland, truly I would. I learned so much about so many things, and have come to the conclusion that I will end my days in Finland. Even if it's only the last few years of my life. I WILL go there. I am in love with it so much!

OK, so anyways, on our way home, we were supposed to have a 4 hour stop over in Singapore, but for some reason ALL flights into Brisbane had been delayed, still have no idea why though, maybe there was bush fires that affected visibility... probably :( but because of that, we were delayed an extra 8 hours!! so a total of twelve hours in Singapore. It wasn't too bad though, we got free food and hot drinks, and it was unlimited because we went to a buffet type area of the place. Seriously, I thought the airport there was more like a suburb all it's own. HUGE! When it was finally time to board, there was only a handful of people on the plane, it was fabulous!! slept most of the way home everyone on the plane had a whole row to themselves hahaha

When I arrived home it went all down hill. I drove home because Murray was getting sicker by the second. I ended up having to call an ambulance for him that night, which resulted in a two week stint in hospital :( He was in ICU for about four days, I was petrified of losing him. He said he saw his father, and felt him holding his hand... his father passed away more than 15 years ago. :( very scary time. What made it harder for me is the day after I got home, and Muz was taken to hospital, our beloved Jasper went missing, and still to this day is missing. I just couldn't bear to tell Murray, until I absolutely had to. I didn't want him to come him to find out that his best friend was gone... so I told him the day before he was discharged... I figured at least if he has a meltdown the hospital will be able to help. He was ok though, devastated obviously, but he said he expected it to happen for some reason. My parents were on a cruise and were due home on the Sunday after I got home (I got home on Thursday 15th November) They called me from the harbour when they got off the the boat in Brisbane to see how I was, and I broke down. I didn't want to worry them, and I didn't mean to break down but I couldn't help it. They came straight to my house instead of going home first to unpack and stuff. Dad cried with me. I was a total wreck with Muz so deathly ill and then the dog being taken. I love my parents so so much. They are always so loving and caring and helpful, I really am so grateful for them.

Muz had a lung biopsy and we were told that occasionally the lung will collapse after the type of biopsy they were doing... and well, of course, it collapsed, but it was because they said Muz had coughed during the op and they pierced his lung! So back into ICU for a couple of days. And still no positive ID of what exactly was making him sick. At first they thought it was double pneumonia but then it wasn't. Then they thought maybe it's PCP but then it wasn't, as nothing had grown from the samples they took... which is strange to me, considering PCP DOESN"T culture.... and guess what? he has PCP. BUT that jumped on board recently, because they gave Murray immune suppressing drugs to take, because his own immune system has gone haywire, and is attacking his lungs and possibly other organs too. But then when his immune system was being lowered (making him even more vulnerable to catching other viruses etc) this PCP jumped in ... so it was a course of hardcore antibiotics, cut the immune suppressants for a while... now we are finally on a steady paced medication plan that seems to be working weel. He is getting better and better and I am so happy because he is happy :) Up and up from here!!

My eldest daughter has moved back in with us now. It's nice to have her home. She is a really bright girl can be demanding, but what teen isn't at times? LOL I love her to pieces xx

fast forward.

So we decided fostering dogs while waiting for Jas to be returned to us, would be a good idea. Not even! LOL... it's too hard to let them go!! We have two foster failures now, which means we have adopted them LOL. fell in love, it happens! but we successfully found furever homes for a few doggies, so we did a little to help at least. We have now, just this weekend, turned the kennels and dog yard that we'd built, into a free range chook yard. We now have six chookies - Laverne and Shirley (which we have had since last year) Kath and Kim and George (yes, my son named her George LOL I love it!!) and Princess Bubblegum. Love fresh eggs, and having chickens is just a really cool experience I reckon.
Now our role in helping dogs is that we are the drop off/pick up point on the south side for other foster carers - we hold donations of food and other doggie needs - collars, coats, leads, toys etc. It's amazing the faith it puts back into humanity having people turn up with donations for the needy animals :) heartwarming <3 nbsp="" p="">
Today, we destroyed dismantled the old chook run. I've kept the coup part though, I am planning on transforming it into an outdoor reading nook. You know, a place to just chill :) it's going to be so pretty!! When it's completed I will post before and after photos. I always love looking at before and afters, always so amazed at the transformations. It's so inspirational to get out there and pretty up the place :) even if it is only a rental property - we still have to live here and love it, right?

OK, so I'm back in the blog game now. I'm not making daily update promises, but I do hope to at least update weekly... makes for long posts though :-/ meh, we'll see if I can build some interest in my blog... who knows, I might have something helpful for someone out there!! feel free to comment if I have made you smile, or laugh, or cry, or have inspired you  in any way :)
Have a fabulous week!!

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