What a great day :)
First my boys went to play in the bush! HURRAH!! Really happy with that. All they have wanted to do was sit inside playing Halo UGH!! NO! We have ten acres - go! explore! watch out for snakes! :-/ Yep - they will be coming out now it's getting warmer.
They have already actually! a couple of weeks ago I nearly stood on this little fella. EEK!! Muz came and picked it up and put it in the garden out further away from the house.... we assumed because it was yellow underneath and greenish on top that it was just a tree snake. Well I showed the photo to my boss (who also lives in a bushy area) and she said it was a Whip snake (they have a family of them on their property) O_O a what now??? LOL. Aren't they poisonous?? Well yes - they can do a great deal of damage to pets and children. Adults can deal with a bite a bit better. Still an 'eek' moment haha.
I woke early this morning - I went to bed early because I was ill yesterday :( yea yea poor me. Would rather have been at work but what are ya gonna do? Didn't wanna spread it to everyone!
I decided to get into sorting out a new look for the other area out behind the house... this was part of the progress (had some tidying to do on the pavers)... see, i was sick of stepping over the garden (because I was too lazy to go around most of the time! *sigh*) so I decided to take out some of the stone edging, and re-arrange it and add some recycled road stuff to make a path!! problem solved!
And I made a little here too. Where the hammock is used to be a fully fenced area for the dogs (if you have seen my blog since last year You would have seen our puppy in the cage not looking so impressed!) I didn't take before photos (typical!) but it was full of weeds!! CACK!!
The hammock is a much better look ;)
So now this is more what it looks like...
We have also done more in the BBQ area to make it nicer for this summer Bring on the good times!!
This time last year we had a small wading pool so we couldn't really sit out here and enjoy the view...
Muz made a lovely dinner - chicken schnitzel, bacon and egg MMMM yummo!!!
Teamed with a nice glass of Jim Beam and coke in my newly made Corona glass!!
Yep - I have discovered yet another craft - glass cutting!!! I am going to blog a seperate entry for this because I am going to send it in to
Pinstrosity ... should be good for a laugh!! This blog is HILARIOUS and just about as addictive as Pinterest itself! Check it out!
One more photo for today. This little guy was in our driveway when I left for work on Thursday morning and I had to take a pic - so cute!
Have a great weekend - till next time!